hunter candles
Here you'll find all the links and information you need to place your wholesale orders.
If you already have an account, you'll be able to see the wholesale prices when you are logged in. You can log in here. You won't be able to access the wholesale prices unless you're logged in with your wholesale account email.
Click below to access your order form to place your order or scroll down to check wholesale prices and donwload our wholesale look books.
Wholesale Prices
Signature Candles
Units | RRP | Wholesale Price |
$49 |
$27 |
50+ |
$49 |
$25 |
The Reeds
Units | RRP | Wholesale Price |
20+ |
$59 |
$34 |
The Traveller
Units | RRP | Wholesale Price |
20+ |
$17 |
$11.50 |
The Haze
Units | RRP | Wholesale Price |
20-49 |
$25 |
$12.50 |
50+ |
$25 |
$10 |
Grounded Candles
Units | RRP | Wholesale Price |
20+ |
$59 |
$31 |
Grounded Traveller
Units | RRP | Wholesale Price |
20+ |
$21 |
$12.50 |
Grounded Sleeve
Units | RRP | Wholesale Price |
5+ |
$89 |
$56 |
Limited Edition
Units | RRP | Wholesale Price |
5+ |
$55 |
$29 |
Excludes GST and shipping costs, which will be calculated and agreed with the client before payment.
Download the Wholesale Look Book
Once you've placed your Wholesale order via the order form you'll automatically receive an order confirmation email. After we've reviewed your order, you'll receive an invoice and we'll start processing your order. You can choose to pay via bank transfer or Credit Card, all details will be specified in your invoice, as well as the payment terms.
All prices are exclusive of GST and order minimums apply for each product, consult the table above for minimums.